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Construction Management Dissertation Topics For The Grab, Hurry!!

Date published July 28 2020 by Carolina James


If you ask people who have a bit of experience in dissertation writing, you will get to know that the first part is the most important and time consuming one. Choosing the right dissertation topic has always been crucial as the next months, our years that follows are going to be dependant on it. Therefore, you should give this step the utmost importance.

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Construction Management Dissertation Topics For A Winning Dissertation

To make sure that none of you are left behind in this crucial phase, our exceptional dissertation writers have prepared a free list of some of the best and highly customized construction management dissertation topics and construction management dissertation ideas that you can find online.

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    There have been various studies regarding the subject of occupant behaviours’ impact on the energy performance of a building. Hence, it is essential to evaluate the impact of using technology. However, it is an ever-changing behaviour which is mostly poorly represented or oversimplified in other studies and needs to be evaluated with an efficient method. Due to this reason, the researcher aims to investigate further on this topic. It is the main aim of the current study to analyse the impact of occupant behaviour on energy performance with special reference to the commercial buildings. For this purpose, the researcher aims to analyse the impact by using the Building information modelling (Bim) -based energy simulation.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To analyse the impact of occupant behaviour on the energy performance of a commercial building.
    2. To evaluate the significance of energy analysis for the purpose of designing a building.
    3. To understand the Building information technology (BIM) based energy simulation.
    4. To explore the use of Building information technology (BIM) based energy simulation for the purpose of building operations.
    5. To evaluate the effectiveness of using BIM-based simulation for the analysis of the impact of occupants behaviour on the energy performance of commercial buildings.


    The focus during project management has been on a few main categories traditionally but with the modern developments, there is a shift to include more aspects to the strategies. Recently, new directions have been introduced that are helpful with the process of development of projects. The aim of the researcher for the current study is to identify the best possible way of developing a framework which can be used to determine the relative weights of contextual factors for complex highway projects. For this purpose, the researcher uses a novel approach. It is the aim of the study to investigate the subject in light of previous evidence-based researches and explore the views of other researchers as well.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To identify the existing frameworks used to determine the relative weights of the contextual factors for complex highway projects.
    2. To investigate the significance of determining the relative weights of the contextual factors for complex highway projects.
    3. To identify the methods presented by various researchers that can be used to determine the relative weights of contextual factors for the complex highway projects.
    4. To explore the process for the development of frameworks that can be used to determine the relative weights of the contextual factors for complex highway projects.


    It is essential for an organization to satisfy all its stakeholders. For this purpose, the feedback system holds importance. The key aim of the study is to investigate the impact of policy feedback with respect to the organizational culture change. The current case study discusses the aims with respect to the banks and financial firms. Moreover, it is the aim of the researcher to shed light on the concept of organizational change which includes the cultural change in the company environment. The significance of policy feedback is also to be discussed in the study.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To conceptualize the culture in an organization and highlight the aspect of organizational culture change.
    2. To identify the significance of policy feedback regarding organizational culture change.
    3. To understand the mechanism of policy feedback with respect to the banks and financial firms.
    4. To investigate the impact of policy feedback on the organizational culture change of various firms.
    5. To identify the effects of policy feedback on the organizational culture change with specific reference to the banks and financial firms.
    6. To analyse the factors involved in the organizational culture change as a result of policy feedback.


    Previous researches have indicated that the energy efficiency of a building influences the behaviours of the building occupants. There is much debate regarding the positive influential connection of perceived behavioural control (PBC), and environmentally responsible behaviour (ERB). Therefore, the researcher aims to study the impact of perceived behavioural control (PBC) and environmentally responsible behaviour (ERB) of the occupants of high performing building over each other. This case study mainly explores the subject of perceived behavioural control (PBC) and environmentally responsive behaviour (ERB) of the occupants of buildings.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To understand the concept of perceived behavioural control (PBC)
    2. To understand the concept of environmentally responsive behaviour (ERB)
    3. To analyse the perceived behavioural control (PBC) of the occupants of a high performing building.
    4. To evaluate the environmentally responsive behaviour (ERB) of the occupants of a high performing building.
    5. To compare the analysis of perceived behavioural control (PBC) and environmentally responsible behaviour (ERB) of the occupants of a high performing building.
    6. To study the impact of PBC and ERB over each other with special reference to the occupants of a high performing building.



    The role played by the technologies and collaborative involvement of different people in the construction process is evidently performance effective. It has been observed that the construction companies often use the collaborative approach for innovation and high performance in the projects. Studies have indicated that various issues arise with the collaborative approach. In the current study, the researcher aims to identify the factors involved in the issues related to the integral aspects of collaborative contracts. Moreover, the discussion in this research mainly focuses on the perspective of the stakeholders involved.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To investigate the factors involved in the collaborative approach that is used by the construction companies in the construction process.
    2. To identify the perspective of stakeholders regarding the approach of the collaborative effort in the construction process of a project.
    3. To explore the factors involved in the issues that arise as a result of the collaborative approach used for the construction process of a project.
    4. To identify the issues related to the integral aspects of collaborative contracts.
    5. To understand the perspective of stakeholders of the project regarding the issues involved in the collaborative approach.


    Building information modelling (BIM) technology has been proven effective in reducing and dealing with the construction problems involved in the process. This technology has been widely used by developed countries; however, it is relatively new for underdeveloped countries. Little research is done regarding the exploration of its impact in the underdeveloped countries while hardly any light is shed on the experiences of the underdeveloped country itself. The researcher aims to highlight the perspective and experiences of the underdeveloped countries with the use of building information (BIM) technology in the construction processes of various projects.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To understand the technology of building information modelling (BIM) with respect to its use in the construction process of a project.
    2. To explore the extent of use of building information modelling BIM technology in the construction projects of the developed countries.
    3. To identify the impact of BIM technology on the construction processes with respect to the underdeveloped countries.
    4. To investigate the perspective of underdeveloped countries about the experiences they have had regarding the use of building information modelling technology in the construction process of their projects.


    The housing crisis of the UK with respect to social housing is a problem that has been a topic of discussion. Various methods and strategies have been evaluated to combat this issue. Use of modular construction for the building of purpose-built housing has been one of the solutions that have been effective around the world. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the validity of the modular construction of the purpose-built flats as a solution to the social housing crisis of the UK. Furthermore, the aim of the researcher is to investigate the factors involved in the modular construction of purpose-built flats that make it a good solution.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To investigate the significance of modular construction of the purpose-built flats as a solution to social housing within the UK.
    2. To identify the factors that make the modular construction of purpose-built flats a solution for social housing in the UK.
    3. To explore the problems related to social housing in the UK.
    4. To analyse the advantage of the modular building of the purpose-built flats with reference to the housing crisis of the UK.


    The skilled labour in the UK construction market is highly abundant in the labour workforce from the middle east. This raises concerns from the perspective of stakeholders of the project whether they are a viable option to choose for the building purpose. However, there is also a shortage of construction skills in the skilled labour workforce of the UK industry. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of the labour skills of the middle eastern workers on the construction processes.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To identify the involvement of the skilled labour from the middle east in the construction market of the UK.
    2. To investigate the effectiveness of skills possessed by the construction labour workers from the middle east.
    3. To explore the topic of shortage in the UK regarding skilled labour in the construction industry.
    4. To explore the options available for the recruitment processes and formulate any strategies that can be implemented for the purpose of recruitment of the construction labour.
    5. To evaluate the effects of lack of construction labour in the UK market on the project building processes.


    It is the aim of the current study to investigate the perspective of private housebuilders regarding the construction process of the standard housing type. Moreover, the researcher aims to identify the factors involved in the construction of standard housing type in compliance with the building regulations 2006. For this purpose, the study aims to highlight the building regulations as well. Moreover, the researcher aims to perform a comparative analysis on the perspective of the private housebuilders regarding the energy efficiency compliance with building regulation 2006 with special reference to the construction of standard house type.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To explore the building regulations of 2006.
    2. To understand the topic of energy efficiency with respect to the construction industry.
    3. To identify the energy efficiency compliance with the building regulations 2006b in the light of the previous researches.
    4. To understand the perspective of private housebuilders regarding the construction of standard house type in compliance with the building regulations 2006.
    5. To perform a comparative analysis on the energy efficiency compliance with building regulations 2006, for a standard house type from a private housebuilders' perspective.
    BS A comparative study of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) of precast and cast in place buildings in United Kingdom
    BS An analysis of modelling of post disaster permanent housing reconstruction outcomes in the UK, using resourcing factors.
    BS A critical study to identify effective strategies to reduce the impacts of skilled worker shortages in the construction industry.
    MSC A novel study for finding a solution for the trade off between cost, time and sustainability credits for new construction.
    MSC A pedagogical intervention of implementing digital visualization technology within AEC education
    MSC A comparative study between claims and disputes performance between alternate project delivery method and traditional project delivery methods.
    MSC An evaluative study for understanding the barriers inhibiting the growth of information and communication technology (ICT) in a construction firm

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    The building process in the construction industry can be dangerous for the labour workers involved. Hence, it is highly essential to stress the safety aspect during the construction process. Moreover, the evaluations of the safety procedures are equally important as well in order to ensure the effectivity of implementing such methods in the project construction. For this reason, the researcher aims to investigate the evaluative assessment procedures involved in the development of safety precautions. Furthermore, the study aims to identify the factors involved in the adoption of safety culture within the construction industry.



    Following are the research objectives presented by the researcher:

    1. To explore the various methods involved in the construction process for the safety of the labour workers.
    2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the safety procedures used in the construction processes in the industry with respect to the safety of the labour workforce.
    3. To understand the importance of evaluation of safety procedures that are used in the construction process.
    4. To evaluate the developmental process of the safety procedures used in the construction industry.
    5. To investigate the factors involved in the adoption of the safety culture in the construction industry.

    In the contemporary era, there is an increased public awareness witnessed with regards to sustainability and it has provided an avenue for timber witnessed in its increased significance in the construction sector which is rapidly replacing the traditional methods i.e. masonry used for construction purposes. Therefore, it is the main aim of this respective research to conduct a proportional analysis in terms of the use between timber frame and masonry construction in construction for sustainability purposes.


    Following are the objectives of this research

    • To identify the possible reasons for the changing trend from masonry towards timber frame construction.
    • To inspect the possible explanations why the timber frame construction has been granted acceptance as a probable alternative in the construction sector over the conventional method.
    • To analyze the possible advantages along with disadvantages of using timber frame in the construction sector with respect to sustainability.
    • To formulate recommendations of using timber frame construction with the sustainability standpoint in the long run.

    It is the main aim of the research to reflect upon the impact of energy performance certificates (EPC) on the housing market of UK that has been proposed by the respective government to curb environmental underperformances culminated by the activities of the housing market as well as to develop an understanding of the various opinions that are accorded by the proprietors as well as the occupants of these properties.


    Following are the objectives of this research

    • To investigate a possible relationship if it is existing between the rental costs along with environment performance respectively.
    • To establish the scope as well as the degree of the proprietors along with the occupants level of awareness with regards to the proposed implementation of energy performance certificates.
    • To investigate the possible reasons that has led the UK government to propose energy performance certificates.

    To critically evaluate the objections that are linked with the implementation of energy performance certificates and to formulate recommendations to cater these objections.

    As evident in the contemporary era, it is a common feature for the proprietors to incorporate innovative techniques in order to fulfill the purpose of determining a pertinent solution to the UK government with respect to restricting the social housing deficit as witnessed. Therefore, it is the main purpose of this respective research to conduct a novel study on the utilization of contemporary methods that are employed by the UK government to addresses their social housing deficit issues.


    Following are the objectives of this research

    • To study the social housing deficit and its disadvantages that are incurred on the UK government.
    • To conduct an evaluation of the contemporary methods of construction that are proposed by the UK government to mitigate the deficits in their social housing schemes.
    • To identify the possible merits as well as the demerits of the contemporary methods of construction that are used for the resolving of the current issue i.e. social housing deficits
    • To identify the amount of awareness and support these contemporary methods of construction holds among the public in terms of its capability to resolve the social housing deficits.

    Aims: United Kingdom entered the preliminary phase of financial recession at the advent of 2008; and although the country exited the financial crisis in a short span of time, the effects resulted in a series of massive repercussions for almost every sector and industry in the UK generally, and to the construction sector particularly. Therefore, it is the main aim of this respective research to conduct an investigative analysis of the possible impact of the financial recession on the UK’s construction sector and in order to develop a better understanding, a comparative case study will be investigated concerning 2008 and 2020.


    Following are the objectives of this research

    • To identify the key factors that contributed in levying an impact on the construction sector more intensely than the other industries.
    • To critically investigate the intensity of the economic recession in 2008 and 2020 in terms of the factors that contributed to the economic recession.
    • To formulate recommendations for the construction sector to mitigate their risk intensity in the event of an economic recession as well as identifying the challenges that the construction sector will face during the implementation of the proposed recommendations.

    In the UK, it is rapidly witnessed that a housing crisis exists along with a large section of the population are residing either in subpar accommodation or in congested properties and citing these factors, the UK’s government proposed to construct up to three million novel housing accommodation for its people by the end of 2020. Hence, it is the purpose of this respective research to assess the ambition that is proposed by the UK’s government in terms of practicality as well as the impact of the novel corona virus on the realization of this proposed ambition of the UK government.


    Following are the objectives of this research

    • To identify the reasons for the existing housing crisis in the UK as well as to assess the practicality of the steps taken by the UK government to build three million homes.
    • To evaluate the reasons that cause a hindrance in realizing the UK’s government ambition of constructing three million homes.
    • To gauge the opinion of the key stakeholders i.e. tenants, proprietors, with regards to the proposed ambition.
    • To understand and evaluate the extent and degree of hindrance that the novel pandemic caused with respect to the proposed construction ambition.
    • To formulate recommendations for the UK government to counter the impact of novel coronavirus pandemic in order to realize their ambition of constructing three million homes.

    The main aim of this respective research is to conduct a thorough study to serve the purpose of developing an understanding of the construction design management as well as how the regulations have levied an impact on the UK’s construction Industrial projects. Moreover, it is the intention of the respective research is to establish to also concern itself with developing an understanding of construction design management’s regulation accorded in the initial stages till the current amendment.


    Following are the objectives of the research

    • To assess the initial stages of the regulations in the construction design management and its impact on the management’s project results.
    • To investigate the efficiency of construction design management plans and procedures that concerns with implementation.
    • To assess the merits as well as the demerits of the construction design management that is in conjunction with the construction industry’s obligations.
    • Formulate recommendations for the construction design management’s regulations with regards to the enhancement it can accord in its regulations that can aid the construction sector.

    Public finance initiative is an initiative that has been culminated as a result of the Public Private Partnership acquisition technique that thoroughly finds its application in the UK construction sector which has resulted in a huge volume of investment that tunes to billions for the proposed private finance initiative. Therefore, it is the key purpose of this respective research to establish an analysis of whether the private finance initiative holds the capability of adding value for the invested capital within the construction industry for the public sector in the UK.


    Following are the objectives of the research

    • To critically evaluate the key reasons the private finance initiative holds the capability of providing value for the UK construction industry in the public sector.
    • To assess the advantages as well as the disadvantages that private finance initiatives holds to serve the purpose of creating value for the business.
    • To identify the scope of the relationship that the construction sector holds with the private finance initiative and to what extent the relationship is either dependent or independent.

    Risk management maintains a relationship with both the internal as well as the external environments of a business which serves the purpose of the recognizing along with minimalizing the risks that normally is countered by the respective business. Moreover, risk management also fulfills the requirements of optimizing the instances of opportunities as well as the capability of the business to function in a competitive environment. Therefore, it is the main aim of the research is to conduct an analysis; which is qualitative in nature that will serve the purpose of the impact that is levied on by the client sector during the formal utilization of risk management methods along with its processes respectively.


    Following are the objectives of the research

    • To identify the significance of the relationship between the risk management and the companies with respect to its business environments.
    • To evaluate the extent of the impact of the client sector on the formal use of risk management methods.
    • To assess the merits and demerits during the application of risk management in a business

    It has been observed that in the modern era; the role of project management is considered to be of a significant value due to requirements it fulfills in the various industries as well as sectors and is considered to be hold more significance citing the fact that in the contemporary era, there has been a wide range of projects that are deemed complicated by industry standards. Therefore, it is the main aim of the research to conduct a correlative study that will be used to identify the relationships that exists between the accomplishments of a project along with the consumer satisfaction. Moreover, the research will also reflect upon the relationship that exists between an enhanced project management and the efficient management of the business stakeholder’s i.e. employees, consumers.


    Following are the objectives of the research

    To critically examine the impact project management has on the business stakeholders and to what extent it levies an impact on the consumer satisfaction.

    To identify the significance of the relationship between the realization of a business project and consumer satisfaction.

    To formulate recommendations for project management to retain its merits in the contemporary era of business procedures.

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