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Trending List of Nursing Dissertation Topics for Students

Nursing Dissertation Topics

You would not believe but like medicine, nursing is also a field that has an extensive scope and potential for research. But due to this subject being very vast and overlapping subdomains, many students face problem in finding the best nursing dissertation ideas and finalizing perfect nursing
dissertation topics.

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Here's the List of Nursing Dissertation Topics & Ideas

Luckily our subject matter professional writers have prepared a list of free custom nursing dissertation ideas, specifically for you. To help you get started with your dissertations.

List of Best Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics


The aim of this research is to study the consequences of depression on the late pregnancies. The concept of miscarriages in association with mental health problems is still unclear even after an extensive research in this domain. The rationale of this study is to identify the hormonal changes in the reproductive system associated with the hypothalamus and pituitary responses. This study will analyze the extent of hormonal changes in the state of depression and their effects on the uterus and ovaries of a woman.


The comparison will be made between the hormone system and its regular flow in a pregnant and non-pregnant woman. This research will give an insight of how the late pregnancies will get effected because of the consistent and chronic depression and anxiety, which can lead to miscarriages or spontaneous abortions. The study will discuss the treatment and interventions that should be applied on the woman in her late trimesters by the specialist or general practitioner. The role of the woman in coping with her depression will be the inclusion criteria of this study. The end of the analysis will also describe the possibilities of diseases associated with the miscarriage and increased depression, discussing its interaction with the endocrine glands.


This research is framed to study the role of eating behaviors on the physical and mental health of Athletes. The eating disorders are the core issues that athletes deals with, in their daily life, for the cause of maintaining their body posture and fitness. The study here will discuss the association of substance abuse disorder with anorexia nervosa to analyze the behavioral changes of the sports man/ woman towards their passion. This article will focus on the causes and risk factors of the increased rate of Anorexia nervosa among the athletes and sports person.


The potent objective of this research article is to highlight the connotations of the anorexic conditions and the drug abuse that certainly develops in an athlete person.

  • The focus will be made on the type of eating disorders and their connections with psychology.
  • How Anorexia nervosa be consider as one of the most significant mental and physical disorder in the athlete person?
  • In what ways are the alcohol and drug abuse correlates with each other?
  • What approaches based on evidence based practices, have been made to identify this association?
  • The interventions that are made in this contrast, and its bio-psychosocial impacts on the athlete.


This research is dignified to suggest the vital potentials of the advanced digital technologies in supporting the psychophysiological and psychological studies. The digital technologies are assured to be the connecting links between the people around the worlds. The goal of this study is to analyze the recurrent effect of the digital service on the mental health of a male individual. This study design will also cover the prospects of the male gender towards the advantage and disadvantages of digital services in their daily life. The major focus will be made on the growing ratios of suicidal tendencies, mood disorders and depressions due to the misuse or over assessing of the services.


The rationale of the study is based on the objectives given below:

  • What is the role of digital services in influencing the life patterns and mental health of a male population?
  • What is the importance of digital services in creating positive impacts towards the society?
  • The interventions that should be applied to restrict the misuse of the technology.
  • How the depression can trigger the suicidal thoughts?
  • On the basis of the association of mental illness and digital services, analyze the rate of occurrence of the depression and suicide due to the use of digital services.


This research aims to identify the role of mental health associated nurses in the psychiatric wards. The research is focused on assessing the issues and concerns a nurse has to deal with while serving patients with mental illnesses. The first end of the article will discuss the role of nurse trainees and nurse practitioners in the mental health concomitant services. The guide lines given by the Nursing and midwifery council will be kept as the marginal point in this study to discuss the role of nurses in the mental health and relate them with the issues they face every day.


The objectives of the research includes:

  • The responsibilities and work association of the nursing faculty in the psychiatric wards.
  • How does nursing care effects the mental health of a patient in a positive perspective.
  • Analysis of the mental health of the nurses working in the wards.
  • What factor triggers the negative impacts on the mental health of the nurses associated with patient?
  • What are the interventions recalled by the mental health association departments, to protect the mental health of a nurse?
  • What are the major psychological disorders that persist in the nurses while treating the patients?
  • Discuss the framework of future interventions that should be used in order to reduce the psychological disorders among the nurses.

List of Best Child Nursing Dissertation Topics


The goal of this critical research is to analyze the child psychology with the perspective of early neglecting behaviors of parents and their effects on the child’s psychology and mental health. The nursing care and role will be discussed as the base line of the study, to carry out an extensive literature review and potent analysis on how the challenging is the role of nursing in catering the child’s psychology. The parenting counselling and techniques of setting the strategies to conduct the awareness sessions for the parents in separation will be discussed here.


The significant rationale of this research is set following the criteria given below:

  • What is child psychology?
  • Importance of positive and early mental development.
  • Discuss the factors that effects the child’s mental health.
  • Impacts of parent’s divorce on a child’s mental health.
  • Brief discussion of the diseases that are associated with the disturbed mental health of children.
  • Ratios and extents of different psychological disorders that are commonly encountered in the childhood and enhances with the pace of time.
  • What are the frameworks that can help in addressing a better parenting?
  • Description of the child’s behavior towards the parent’s separation or divorce.
  • Discussion on the increased anxieties, irritability and depression among the children dealing with the neglecting behavior of the parents.


This study is framed to analyze the changes in child nursing practice that are suggested by the Nursing and Midwifery council. The study aims to explore the responsibilities of child nursing care and the strategies that are made by each nurse trainee or the nurse practitioner to follow up with any child’s case. The analysis will strongly represent the reshaping work force strategy assigned by the Nursing and midwifery council. The older aspects and featured guidelines given by the NMC and NHS for child’s nursing will be discussed and compared with the new strategies and the guidelines to ensure quality care and prioritize patient’s care.


The rationale of this qualitative analysis is organized, following the objectives given below:

  • Discuss the concept of child’s nursing care.
  • Briefly describe the role of a trainee nurse in compensating the needs of the patients with care and empathy as per the NHS and NMC guide line.
  • Identify the previous role of child’s nursing in the UK health care system.
  • Proceeding with the systemic analysis provide the validity of the study by supporting the idea of Child’s nursing training through different studies and researches in the past.
  • The concept of reshaping the work pace given by the nursing and midwifery council and national health care services will also be discussed in this study.


The study aims to identify the literature that recommend the changes in the nursing training in regards to that of the neonatal care or underage children. The rationale of this review is to analyze the impacts on the society made by the current changes in the training strategies of the nursing in regards of the children. The study will also discuss the acceptance of the society towards the change in the role of nursing care. The nurse’s reactions and problems are also the consideration of the study. The study will also give an insight of the researches made in this contrast.


The objectives of this study include:

  • Discuss the responsibilities of nursing training and their impacts on developing the benefits for the children in the society.
  • Describe the limitations in the current changes made by the NMC and NHS in nursing practices for under age children.
  • Benefits and disadvantage of the current changes in the nursing training.
  • Analyze different approaches of the nurses to treat under age children with care and empathy.
  • Discuss the future predicted approaches for the betterment in the training.
  • How nurses react towards the current associated change.
  • Behavioral associations of the society with current changes made in the nurse practices.


The rationale of this study is to analyze the paraphernalia that implicit the concern of racism in contrast to the behavior and psychology of the child and adolescents towards the racial bias. The goal of this study is set on the basis of the progress that has been made on the importance of equity and equality of the health care practitioner and their reflection towards the society. The study is supported by the evidence based practice and researches to prove the audacity and validity of the research. The behavioral responses of the nurses towards the racial biasness is also discussed in the research.


The objectives of this study was based on the racial biasness including:

  • Discussion on the concept of racial biasness.
  • Description of the racial biasness and its relationship with child psychology.
  • Metamorphosis in the treatment strategies that occur due to the differences in the races of the nurses.
  • The nursing care based on the same race and their impacts on the child’s physiology and mental health.
  • Differential race nursing care and its role on the development of the mentality and treating the children.
  • Limitations in the treatment due to the racism.
  • Interventions in the course of nursing care and practices with the child.

List of Best Health Care Dissertation Topics


The aims of this study is to report the ethical challenges and factors that are related to health care. The responsibilities and its limitations due to the ethical issues described by the health care system is the scope of the study. A study will analyze the importance of providing the ethical guidelines to the health care worker. The analysis will outline the criteria of the ethical reviews and its interventions from passed decades that has affected the working criteria of the health care professionals. The positive and negative impacts of the ethical associations on the nursing care and working approach.


The objective approach of this study is:

  • The ethical challenges in the healthcare system.
  • The impacts of ethical reviews on the working of the health care system.
  • The increase level of work stress among the nurses in collaboration with the restricted criteria of ethical board.
  • Description of the ethical guidelines and their imprecision on the nursing faculty.
  • The attitude of nurses towards the ethical challenges.
  • The effectiveness and validity of the ethical challenges imposed on the health care teams.
  • Its impacts on the productivity and responsiveness of the hospitals and local clinics.


The aim of this critical analysis is to recognize the safety measures in the under developing countries like India. The influences of these safety measures on the professional health care system. The analysis will critique the randomized trial and evidence based practices which discuss the safety management techniques and methods to imply these technique to benefit the health sciences. The literature review is done with an extensive search strategy providing an insight of the issues faced by the health care workers and the interventions used to reduce the efficacy of the problems.


The main goals focused in the study are given below:

  • Critique on the passed researches that made it evident that the safety management system is necessary for the health care units and authorities.
  • The significance of safety measure in maintaining the health of a person.
  • Use of CASP tool to analyze the previous research papers to develop an appropriate findings.
  • Discussions on the types and authenticity of the safety measures to support the treatment and care of the patients.
  • Prediction of the future outcomes and the limitations that can be faced by the health care worker due to these safety management methods.
  • Critical analysis on the recurrent safety measures in India.
  • The role of these techniques in development of the health care units in different countries.


This qualitative, randomized trial and possible cohesive case studies were aimed to be used in the research analysis for the evaluation of trauma emergencies rates in accordance with the natural disasters, This review will also covers the role and effective association of nursing care and nurse training programs which is making people and health care workers to develop work place stress while dealing with the disaster. The discussion will highlight the training programs of a nurses associated with the trauma emergencies. The research will also focus on the comparative roles of the nurses towards the emergencies.


The rationale of the study suggests that;

  • Role of a nurses implied by nursing programs.
  • The immediate reactions and work thresholds towards the emergencies.
  • Responsibilities of a nurse sealing with traumas and psychological emergencies.
  • The pressure on the emergency departments after the natural disastrous situations.
  • The authority of the nurses to abrupt the emergencies and admit the patients with/without the consent of a doctor for a time interval.
  • Limitations and problems while dealing with psychological emergencies.
  • Interventions suggested to lower the traumatic phases.


The report aims for the analysis of the authority of the nursing faculty in making the clinical decisions without the consent of the doctor, to provide efficient and immediate course of cure and treatments. This repost will focus on the responsibilities of reshaping and reanalyzing the nursing practice. The technical and leadership authorities, provided by the health care units for the betterment of the society and nursing faculty. This report will give an insight of the care and empathy factors in the responsive recovery of the patient in the emergency. The role of the UK hospitalization and its expressive demands in accordance with every hospital and local clinics.


The objectives in the development of the report are as under:

  • Discussion on the relative theories of clinical manifestations and decision authority provided by the NMC and NHS,
  • Role of nurses working in the emergency condition.
  • The process of UK hospitalization.
  • The Theories that are necessary in analyzing the behavior and alertness of a nurse in the process of decision making.
  • The implication of the clinical decision through a proper framework of analyzing a patient’s condition.

List of Best Emergency Nursing Dissertation Topics

Research Aim: The research aims to critically analyse the effectiveness as well as compatibility of national training program for nurses in dealing with medical emergencies

Research Objectives:

The objectives of the investigation are;

  • To ascertain the concept and significance of national training programs for nurses
  • To explore the compatibility of national training program for nurses in the UK
  • To critically analyse the effectiveness as well as compatibility of national training program for nurses in dealing with medical emergencies in the UK
  • To provide necessary recommendations for concerned entities regarding dealing with medical emergencies

Research Aim: The aim of the research is do determine the existence of miscommunication between medical officers and nurses in emergency units along with its underlying reasons and causes.

Research Objectives:

The research objectives developed for this investigation are;

  • To evaluate miscommunication between medical officers and nurses in emergency units
  • To explore the challenges of miscommunication between medical officers and nurses in emergency units
  • To investigate the reasons of miscommunication between medical officers and nurses in emergency units
  • To provide necessary solutions for concerned entities regarding the miscommunication between medical officers and nurses in emergency units

Research Aim: The aim of the investigation is to determine the impact of gender on the effectiveness of essential nurses in emergency. The researcher will study how gender can influence the efficiency of the nurses

Research Objectives:

The objectives of the research are;

  • To explore gender distribution in nursing profession
  • To evaluate the impact of gender on the effectiveness of essential nurses in emergency
  • To investigate how gender can influence the efficiency of the nurses
  • To offer necessary recommendations regarding the effectiveness of essential nurses in emergency


The report aims for the analysis of the authority of the nursing faculty in making the clinical decisions without the consent of the doctor, to provide efficient and immediate course of cure and treatments. This repost will focus on the responsibilities of reshaping and reanalyzing the nursing practice. The technical and leadership authorities, provided by the health care units for the betterment of the society and nursing faculty. This report will give an insight of the care and empathy factors in the responsive recovery of the patient in the emergency. The role of the UK hospitalization and its expressive demands in accordance with every hospital and local clinics.


The objectives in the development of the report are as under:

  • Discussion on the relative theories of clinical manifestations and decision authority provided by the NMC and NHS,
  • Role of nurses working in the emergency condition.
  • The process of UK hospitalization.
  • The Theories that are necessary in analyzing the behavior and alertness of a nurse in the process of decision making.
  • The implication of the clinical decision through a proper framework of analyzing a patient’s condition.

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    List of Best Critical Care Nursing Dissertation Topics

    Research Aim: The researcher will focus on investigating and exploring communication between nurses and patients in critical care and how to make it more convenient

    Research Objectives:

    The objectives of the investigation are;

    • To study the importance of communication between nurses and patients in critical care
    • To determine the challenges in communication between nurses and patients in critical care
    • To explore how communication between nurses and patients in critical care can be made more convenient
    • To offer solutions and necessary recommendations regarding the improvement of communication between nurses and patients in critical care

    Research Aim: The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the importance of critical care nursing training offered in different teaching hospitals across Europe

    Research Objectives:

    The main objectives of the investigation are;

    • To assess the importance of critical care nursing training
    • To evaluate the critical care nursing training offered in different teaching hospitals across Europe
    • To explore similarities and differences in training offered in different teaching hospitals across Europe
    • To provide recommendations for different teaching hospitals across Europe regarding critical care nursing training

    Research Aim: The researcher aims to evaluate the ways in which the nurses in critical care are trained to handle emergency situations in case of absence of doctors and medical officers considering the case of Europe

    Research Objectives:

    The objectives of the investigation are;

    • To evaluate the ways in which the nurses in critical care are trained
    • To ascertain how nurses in critical care are trained to handle emergency situations in case of absence of doctors and medical officers
    • To study core characteristics and expertise used in training critical care nurses
    • To determine suitable recommendations and solutions

    Research Aim: the aim of the study is to explore the ways in which nurse patient relation in critical care determine the quality of care considering the case of Europe

    Research Objectives:

    The main objectives of the study are;

    • To study and evaluate nurse patient relation in critical care
    • To explore how nurse patient relation in critical care can affect the quality of care
    • To evaluate the significance of quality of care in nursing field
    • To offer necessary solutions and recommendations for this issue

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    1. Mental Health Care of Pare medical Staff after the pandemic and in the Post Covid.
    2. The role of Verbal Communication and Non- Verbal Communication in Nursing Practice.
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    4. A Comparative Study Of Community Nursing And Health Care Needs In Rural Areas.
    5. Evaluation of pragmatic language patterns in Autistic Children in Nursing Career. Acute
      Renal Insufficiency in the Nursing Care and Treatment.
    6. Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome in the Management of Nursing Care.
    7. The Treatment of Physiologic and Mental Health Changes in the older adults in Nursing Practice.
    8. Improving Pain Management in Older Patients and Care Strategies during Hospitalised of a Patient.
    9. The role of socio-cultural factors in the development of eating disorders.
    10. New strategies in fostering cancer-preventive behaviours.

    Frequently Asked Question

    The widely followed structure you can follow for your nursing dissertation too is
    i. Introduction
    o With unambiguous and clear problem statement
    o Reason for working in this problem
    o Its significance, importance and usefulness
    ii. Literature review
    o Previously published work
    o Where the gap lies
    o Notable publications that coincide with your hypothesis
    iii. Methodology
    o Nature of your research, whether it is qualitative or quantitative?
    o Your approach towards research, the tools you are going to use?
    o Reason for using those tools over other
    o Your input data and output data
    iv. Results and discussion
    o What your result states?
    o Does your result complement your hypothesis?
    o If yes then why, if no then why?
    v. Conclusion
    o Summarize everything
    o Scope of future work

    Our industry expert writers are expert in producing the best nursing dissertations, virtue of
    our 10+ years of professional service providing experience.

    No! dissertation formatting is almost the same as other dissertations. That is
    i. Paper size should be A4
    ii. The font used should be “Times New Roman”
    iii. Font size should be between 10 to 12
    iv. There should be a 1.5 line spacing between each line
    v. You must leave 3.5 cm margin from the left side (the side that will be binded)
    vi. Leave 2.5 cm margin for the rest of the sides i.e. right, top and bottom.
    vii. Pagination should be followed (which means that every page except the title page
    should be assigned a number)

    There is a special citation style for nursing dissertation. Which is APA (American
    Psychological Association).
    Other citation styles are
    i. MLA
    ii. Chicago/Turabian
    iii. CSE
    iv. IEEE

    1. i. Microsoft academic research
      ii. Sci Central
      iii. Inspec
      iv. Athenus