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The following study is aimed at examining the effect of institutional quality on the infrastructure development and financing in the Sub Saharan African region. The results have been extracted by taking the results from correlation analysis, Pooled OLS regression and GMM techniques. Correlation analysis has showed that institutional quality has a weak relationship with infrastructure development. However, from the regression analysis and GMM, it has been analysed that there is a significant impact of institutional quality on infrastructure development. Thus, it can be concluded that for fostering the infrastructure development, it is vital for the countries to improve their institutional quality


The following recommendations have been analysed after conducting the study

  • Control of corruption is a necessary measure because most of the Sub-Saharan African regions have been ranked negatively so, it has been determined that the public power has to be used for public gain thus, reducing corruption
  • The rule of law should be applied that builds a positive perception of public regarding judicial system so that the rules are applicable in the country.
  • The regulatory quality is related to soundness of policies and the government should seek to craft sound, feasible and sustainable policies for improving institutional quality and ultimately the infrastructure development.
  • The voice and accountability, government effectiveness and political stability are also significant contributors of infrastructure development. Thus, the government of these countries seek to makes the institutions better for infrastructure development.


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