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Table of Contents
Summary of Findings and Conclusion
The main aim of this research was to identify the role and performance of African union while understanding the history and background which resulted in the formation of the AU. Several success factors and challenges of AU have also been identified in this research which tends to explore the role of AU in the social and political well-being of the African countries. It has been identified that AU was established in 2002 however different researchers have critiqued regarding the infrastructure of OAU because of several instances such as Rwanda and Somalia crises and outspread of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The major reason for the establishment of AU was to step a step further in the growth and development of the African countries in order to meet the challenges present in the global areas.
Some of the major challenges of AU have been identified in this research which included undermined focus towards growth and development, lack of interest towards the education, employment, and focus on African youth. It has been identified that due to lack of employment and jobs amongst the youth of African countries has resulted in government failure to implement economic sustainability practices hence affected the overall position of the African continent.
Several other challenges have also been identified which included lack of proper infrastructure, increased poverty, social disparity and increased population which has significant impact on the economic state of the African countries.
Moreover, it has also been explored in the research that AU has been established in order to provide growth opportunities to the youth as well as other people living in African continent. This research entails that AU has laid its main focus on providing integrity, independence, and liberty to each of the African country while promoting equal human rights. AU has also been successful in reducing the border conflicts between Central and Northern Africa and has been successful in providing territorial integrity to each African state. Moreover, AU also promoted and strengthened the efforts for the growth and social well-being of the African citizens while protecting their sovereignty and to open different welfare opportunities to the people. Hence this give a rise to number of international collaborations form EU and UN while supporting the legal and human rights of the people.
It has also been identified in this research that the role of African Union in social and economic well-being of African countries is undeniable. It is evident that providing human rights to the African habitants has been the foremost concern of AU. It has also been identified in the research that the development of AU resulted in numerous job opportunities to civilians and African Refugees while giving a proper identity to the African habitants and distinguishing the people from different member states. Furthermore, the establishment and operations of AU resulted in number of efforts while decreasing the racism and racial discrimination between the South Africa, South West Africa, and the Rhodesia and resulted in the favour for African refugees. However it has further been identified that the growth and progress of AU in different political and economic grounds is significantly slow. This implies that the AU needs to incorporate different development strategies for the growth of African countries. It has furtherbeen identified in the research that the AU has been introducing immense efforts for the promotion of unity and unification amongst the African countries. The AU has also been successful in operating in different African countries for numerous years; however the implementation of the AU functions has resulted in different results in different African states.
It has also been identified in the research that AU has resulted in significant amount of progress in different African countries such as Uganda, South Africa, and Botswana in terms of providing employment opportunities to the youth of African countries, development opportunities for both youth as well as other citizens of the country. These African countries have experienced significant social and economic stability and performance. However, several flaws have also been identified which came across because of the global recession and crises in 2008. This is because after the global recession, the interest of African countries towards development significantly declined, however the AU has been establishing different strategies and have been thinking for the improvement of political as well as social conditions of African countries while satisfying the human rights.
Therefore, in a nutshell, it can be concluded that the African leaders need to reinforce different efforts in order to employ the human rights. It has been observed that AU has been formulating different strategies to be implemented while providing social, economic, and political stability amongst the African countries; however there have been significant evidences that depict that AU lacked in proper implementation amongst the African countries which resulted in lack of development opportunities, unemployment and high food and other prices. Therefore there has several lacking in the implementation and strategic decision making of AU for the welfare and well-being of the African countries. however that implementation and selection without prior research of the issues and problems of each of the African countries which might have the tendency to change with the change in different situation. As a concluding statement, it can be said that AU has been playing significant role in development and growth of the African states; however the slow progress of the union and lack of government support need to be enhanced to focus on common priorities of the African countries.
Keeping in mind the current situation and conditions of the AU, several recommendations can be made in order to offer different strategies in order to provide strategic way of dealing problems within the African states. For instance, it can be recommended that AU should include the activities and practices to address the key developmental and economic issues of the each state of the African Union. AU should focus on providing job opportunities and training openings in order to enhance the key skills and abilities of the African citizens. In this regard, the educational and other opportunities can also be included in the charter in order to undertake the strategic technique to acquire economic stability to the countries. Moreover, the companies operating in different African regions needs to incorporate effective AU policies so as to strengthen the ties with the regional as well as international organisations.
Furthermore, it can also be recommended that AU should focus on including different peace-driven strategies to bring peace and unity among other countries as well such as Syria and Libya etc. AU needs to incorporate integrated approach to work for the growth and economic development of the African countries. Moreover, for the AU commission and as per the new elections, it can be said that the union should elect a viable leader with effective leadership qualities in order to respond to the crises faced by African continent while maintaining the transparency and accountability of the reform bodies. It is also recommended that AU should follow a long-term financing planning while speaking for the common priorities of the African states
Future Research Implications
This research has several future implications which are related to the identification of different challenges of AU while entailing the capability and evidences in order to resolve those challenges. The future researchers can emphasis on the relationship and role of the collaboration of AU with different international unions in political and economic stability of the African countries. Furthermore, future researchers can be encouraged to conduct the researches while addressing the political dominance and diplomacy issues which has continuously been affecting the African states and has been considered as major reason for the contention amongst the African continent.
Moreover, future researchers can also focus on the determination of the strategies and activities which can be taken by AU in order to manage the geo-politics of the African regions. However in this regards, the researcher should also explore different horizons and areas where AU can focus and play their role for the development of African countries. The exploration of the integration of AU with different local bodies can also be emphasised by the future researchers, keeping in mind, the overall image of Africa in the global context. The future researchers should also focus on the strong position of Africa in global economy, educational, industrial and health sector. Future researches can also be carried out to identify role of EU while exploring the lessons that can be learned and implemented by AU in order to transform the strategies of the union which are currently being practiced by AU in Africa.
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