
Table of Contents


Data Description

For this essay, the researcher has collected data from different sources such as World Bank, African Development Bank, OECD, and IMF depending upon the availability of the data. In addition to the above statement, the researcher has collected financial data regarding the infrastructure development based on the pre-colonist period (1920-1945), colonist period (1946 – 1960), and post-colonist period (1960 to present). The indicator on which the data has been collected includes the infrastructure development of water and sanitation, road infrastructure, ICT and energy sector. The data was accessed from the website of World Bank data based on the availability of the data. Moreover, the financial data has been gathered for 40 SSA countries. For the qualitative assessment on the financing models used for the infrastructure development, the researcher has utilised a different set of reports and researches carried out by the previous researchers and economists who have reflected on the infrastructure development financing in the SSA countries.

Research Design

In this research for the execution of the essay, the researcher has adopted a qualitative, comparative, descriptive, and econometric technique which has assisted the researcher in simulating the degree and the path of correlation amid infrastructure financing mechanism from foreign and local sources with infrastructure status in SSA during the period of pre-colonist, colonialism and post-colonialism periods.

Data Analysis

 In this essay, the researcher has identified and analysed different factors behind the gaps in the infrastructure. In addition to the data analysis, the researcher has also presented the critical assessments on Western Model (ODA, OECD, World Bank and IMF), Chinese Model (Resources for Infrastructure and Traditional Models (PPP, Private Sector, Taxation and Debt Funding by governments in SSA) in the light of different theories and past researchers which has been carried out by the economist for critiquing which financing model among Western Model, Chinese Financing and Traditional financing model best suits in the SSA countries for the infrastructure development. Furthermore, the researcher has used eviews for presenting a comparative analysis on the infrastructure development for the 40 SSA countries selected for the assessment. The results in the eviews have presented the comparison for the three periods.  The last chapter has presented the proposal for one financing model for the infrastructure development which is beneficial for the SSA countries.


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