Table of Contents



Chapter three of the research project is intended to discuss the specific systematic details with reference to the research study that assumed to be conducted. The chapter includes components such as, the research method that is used to gather the information and data and to analyse the outcomes on the basis of the information’s statistics that has been collected. The research methodology is a significant component of any research project that could be used in order to collect the knowledge and information according to the data collection methods and techniques. Furthermore, this chapter includes the research design, research philosophy, and researches approaches being used in this research project. Moreover, research limitations and ethical considerations are also being observed by the researcher while performing the whole research project.

Research Philosophy

Mertens (2010) demonstrated the researcher philosophy as the way in which data and information are collected, applied, and evaluated on the basis of the arear and subject of the research. It is usually referred as research paradigm. Among several research paradigms, most commonly research paradigms include interpretivism, positivism, realism, and constructivism. Quantitative research design is usually associated with the positivism or positivist paradigm. It generally involves accumulating and converting the collected into statistical form so as to numerical calculation could be generated and conclusion could be drawn. Moreover, realism research philosophy works on the fact that what you observe and what you perceived (Robson, &  McCartan, 2016). It stems from the participants ‘experiences that they their personal view and feelings and provides description of the real world on the basis of their perceptions. On the other hand, qualitative research design works on the principles of constructivism research philosophy that highlights the socially generated nature of reality. Since this research is applying the quantitative research design, thus the researcher aimed to employ positivist research philosophy in this research, due to the fact that research intended to acquire the quantitative data and evaluate the research findings statistically. From the application of the positivism research philosophy, the researcher was able to carry out the analysis on the impact of the immigration with its relation with the economic development. In addition, the application of the philosophy has led the researcher in viewing the perspective that how the GDP and unemployement is related with the economic development of the UK.

Research Approach

While conducting any research, the researcher can employ two types of research approaches such as inductive and deductive research approaches. The deductive research approach test past and existing data and employs quantitative research design in order to achieve the aim and objectives of the research study (Sekaran and Bougie, 2016). Moreover, the deductive approach in the research is concerned with the movement of information from the generalised terminologies with the specific results with the enhancement of the scope in the area of the research study along with the phenomenon of the common interest. However, a large number of authors have argued with the researchers regarding the positivist philosophy as it have varied procedurs and the specultation with the purpose of achieving objectives and goals of the research. In addition to the above statement, the deductive approach can be explained in the context of hypothesis and can be explained as the information which is derived from the existing theories and literature. On the other hand, inductive research approach mainly focused on the construction of new theory that can be evolved from the collected data instead of testing the present one.

Being quantitative research design, the researcher aimed to use in this research study.  The selection of the deductive approach can ensure that the premises opted by the researcher will be supporting the conclusion of the study and has further given the strong and valid perspectives. However, the deductive approach is intended towards the provision of strong evidences and the support of the arguments from the conclusion which also helps in the formulation of the theory.

Research Design

As per stated by Creswell (2013), research design could be found in three types including qualitative, quantitative, and mix methods. In the light of Bendat and Piersol (2011), the qualitiative research design deals with the social contructs and the founding the believe that there is a significant assertation of the social constructs and the reality does exists. In addition, in the qualitative research, the researchers widely use interviews for carrying out the research so that they can get insight by the interview respondents on the research area as they provide their insights on how the social constructs of the study. Quantitative research design is one of the significant research designs in which the information that has been retrieved and gathered is statistically analysed and quantified in order to disapprove and approve the projected hypothesis. After analysing the collected data statistically, a comprehensive outcome is achieved, and the results could be legitimately demonstrated and documented. Quantitative research design involves surveys, polls, and questionnaires. In this research project, the researcher has decided to use quantitative research design for this specific research in order to gather information that is being acquired by using different sources of information in order to analyse the impact of immigration on economic development of the UK.  

Research Strategy

Being a quantitative research design, the researcher used secondary data sources in order to track statistics and GDP growth of the UK. Quantitative research strategies are determined by two concerns; one is that they are focused on the nature of association among two variables, and the second one is that the how an individual perceived the reality of the world.

Sample Size

The sample size selected for the study is the data of 1980 till 2015 regarding unemployment, GDP growth rate, and immigrants of the UK.           

Data Collection Method

In order to achieve the research aim and objectives, the relevant and significant data is required to be gathered. Significant data can be collected by means of two types of data collection methods such as, primary data and secondary data. In primary data collection, the information and data could be gathered by using surveys, interviews, and focus groups. On the other hand, in secondary data collection, information can be collected through different secondary sources such as journals, books, magazines, articles, and websites (Kumar et al., 2010). In this particular research, the researcher has applied secondary data collection methods in order to acquire data relevant to the statistics of immigrants in the UK and GDP growth rate.

Hypothesis and variables

The testing of Hypothesis could be done by using two types of variables including dependent and independent variables (Bollen, 2014). The independent variables have an influence on the dependent variable and it can be transformed. Alternatively, the dependent variables are uncontrollable and cannot be changed by the researcher. The hypotheses of this research project are:

H1= Immigration has significant impact on economic development of the UK

H0 = Immigration has no significant impact on economic development of the UK


Furthermore, one key control variable in the following research study is the unemployment rate as it is relevant to the both, the independent and dependent variable.

Data Analysis Technique

It is the analysis process that can be used to estimate data through surveys and tests (Bendat & Piersol, 2011). This process employs some different tools in order to prove or disapprove the projected hypotheses. In quantitative research design, data can be analysed by using the software termed as Eviews. Correlation is a test that can be used to examine if there is an association among the dependent and independent variable. On the other hand, regression analysis has also been implemented to analyse the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable involved in the research.

Ethical Consideration

While conducting any type of research, the researcher should keep in mind certain ethical considerations (Macfarlane, 2010). There are numerous rules and regulations that are to be trailed by the researcher in order to make the study successful and unbiased. The privacy of the collected data has to remain confidential and must not be revealed at any point. The researcher cannot employ the collected data and information for any other purpose or researches.

Research Limitations

While conducting the research, there are some challenges and limitations that researcher may face during the entire course of the research.  Some of them are as follow:

  • The study is restricted to a certain region which makes it challenging to retrieve useful data and also restricted the scope of the research
  • The research could be more widespread if the method of data collection was mixed, rather than only quantitative.


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