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Table of Contents
This chapter presents conclusions and recommendation derived from primary and secondary research. The chapter begins with conclusions made in the study followed by a set of recommendations made on the basis of conclusions. The chapter ends with future research recommendations.
This study concludes that competitive pricing is one of the pre-flight expectations among airline travellers. This study concludes that competitive and comparable services are also a significant factor of the pre-flight expectations. This study concludes that cutting edge technology helps to meet pre-flight expectations. This study concludes that passengers safety is a significant pre-flight expectation among air travellers. This study concludes that high level of security helps airlines to meet pre-flight expectations of passengers. This study concludes punctuality remains a major expectation of passengers and they give high ratings to companies that main punctuality.
In terms of flight performance a variety of factors were found to have significant influence on ratings of airlines. This study concludes that fluent check-in service which has positive impact on perception of flight performance of passengers. This study concludes that friendly staff is also a significant factor of the flight performance. This study concludes that quality of food and beverages to increase positive perception about flight performance. This study concludes that comfortable seat is a significant factor that has positive impact on flight performance perception. This study concludes that cleanliness of cabin helps airlines to positively influence flight performance perceptions. This study concludes that luggage services have significant positive influence on perception of flight performance.
In terms of satisfaction this study concludes that one of the factors of customer satisfaction in airline industry is the ability of airline to meet travelling needs of passengers. This study concludes that providing better services as compared to competitors increases customer satisfaction. This study concludes that pricing policy of the airline service must be better than competitors in order to increase customer satisfaction. This study concludes that majority of the respondents had better flight experience in Taiwanese airlines and therefore overall majority of the passengers show high satisfaction. This study concludes that due to high level of satisfaction majority of teh customers are not searching for other airline to switch from current service. This study concludes that majority of the customers give high ratings to Taiwanese airline services because over 76% of respondent rated airline 3 and over stars. This study concludes that price and service quality are major factors of ratings in Taiwanese customers. Finally, the study concludes that in order to increase ratings, Taiwanese airlines must focus on good in-flight services. Another factor to increase ratings is staff behavior.
Taiwanese airlines are recognized worldwide and are competitive in all aspects. To stay competitive it is important that businesses focus on maintaining customer loyalty. A serious recommendation is to conduct constant satisfaction surveys and include the client so that proposals are generated to meet the expectations of the service by the company.
Furthermore, this study recommends that airline industry must have a collective vision of how to make air travel a more personal and relevant experience, without stress or difficulties, for air passengers in the near future. This is an objective in which airlines and airports must put in joint efforts and that will require innovation, efficiency, optimization and, especially, investment in the development of business intelligence.
According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), 90% of passengers wish to select their aircraft seat prior to billing at the counter. In that sense, the web check-in has been transformed into a convenient service and easy access by digital means. The tendency is to get the luggage tag from the home, for which there are already 144 airports in the world with the option of bag-drop, which speeds up previous waiting times at the counter. The goal is to reduce the time to no more than 10 minutes at this first access point to the airport, and gain access to the boarding gate in no more than half an hour.
Customized Offers
There is a significant collection of data in the airlines web reservation sites, both location, preferences, and socio-demographic profile but is not used proactively for post-marketing and re-purchase purposes. It would be desirable to get personalized offers based on the actual needs and travel habits of the passengers. It is not the same person who uses air services for corporate purposes, such as the Puente Aéreo Montevideo-Buenos Aires, than one who seeks vacation packages in sun and beach resorts or exotic destinations in distant countries (Evans et al. 2012).
Contingencies represent the greatest threat to the user experience. Typically, situations such as delays, cancellations and out-of-routine events are not properly managed by airlines. Good resolution of conflicts is essential to be consistent throughout the chain of value delivery of the service and can result in a great differential and opportunity for passenger loyalty. Customers appreciate a professional treatment of the warmth of care at each point of contact, regardless of the internal situation that affects the company (Diaconu 2012).
Flight Status
According to IBM, 93% of customers aspire to know the status of the flight in real time. This can be achieved through the on-board entertainment system or smart-cell applications that work with the Wi-Fi service on the aircraft. One of the most popular is Flight Radar 24, where you can access real-time information from thousands of aircraft flying around the world. It would be desirable to integrate this type of information into an airline application (Tolpa, 2012).
Luggage Traceability and Waiting Time
Another great concern for the passenger today is the role of technology in improving the trip and it can influence perception of passengers positively and negative, is when you remove your luggage on arrival. Here a state of uncertainty is mixed with strong anxiety, so the still unsatisfied demand focuses on the possibility of offering traceability of each bag as well as the estimated waiting time. There is an effort by SITA, one of the main IT providers, to achieve a system capable of informing the passenger through a mechanism similar to that used by international mail and parcel companies (Graham (2013).
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Interview Questions
Q1. What is the significance of product standardisation at your organisation?
Q2. To what extent product standardisation is applied in your organisation?
Q3. In your opinion, what benefits you perceive underlies the standardisation of the products?
Q4. What are major challenges for product standardization when innovation is promoted in this process?
Q5. What are major challenges for product standardization when innovation is promoted in this process?
Q6. In your opinion, does the product standardisation helps in sustaining competitive advantage for your organisation?
Q7. In your opinion, does the product standardisation have an optimistic future in the automotive industry?
Q8. Please provide some suggestions on the role of product standardisation in innovation within the automotive industry?
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