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Table of Contents
The chapter would include the summary and findings of the research. The introductory chapter also includes the conclusion of the research conducted. The chapter would include recommendations to how brands can enhance their customer satisfaction. The recommendations and future implications are present in this study on the other hand the limitations of the study were met by the researcher. At the end of the chapter, researcher would include discussion of the results.
Summarized findings
The summarized findings of the research show that there is a strong relationship between brand love and consumer buying behaviour. The findings were analysed by the help of correlation and regression. Descriptive statistics were also conducted of the questions asked form respondents. The Pearson correlation of the study shows that both the independent and dependent variable has a strong relationship. Brand love is the association of any consumer with the brand. The brand love of consumer shows that consumer give first preference to the brand in purchasing them and that they do not compare the brand with any other existing competitor.
The results have displayed that consumers love the dietary supplements sector in which they are not ready to compromise with any other brand. The results also show that consumers have strong inclination towards the brand due to which consumer buying behaviour does not alter. The results of correlation and regression show that there is a strong relationship between both the variables. Consumer buying behaviour can be described as the behaviour of consumers while purchasing brands. After the research was tested, it was found out that consumers show preference to those brands which offer them better services and satisfy their needs. Furthermore, the descriptive analysis in the previous chapter shows how consumers have responded to brand love and its traits. The questions asked from consumers were related to their like or dislike towards the brand. The questions also show that consumers love the brand and most importantly they have answered in the range totally agreeing with the statement.
Furthermore, the consumer behaviour and brand love shows that there is a strong relationship between both the variables with respect to the dietary supplements, the consumers use more of the brands since it is beneficial for their health and due to the increased amount of awareness and marketing, they purchase it more.
In order to cater the identified research gap in this study, following recommendations are made:
- Dietary supplements can start their advertisement and promotional campaign to attract customers.
- The industry can try to interact with their customers through outdoor activities.
- Furthermore, in order to increase brand love among consumers, brands can increase their association with consumers.
To sum up the whole research study, it can be analysed that brand love has a strong relationship with consumer buying behaviour with respect to the dietary supplement industry. The brand love of consumers can be linked with the choice and preferences of consumers. Moreover, the study and analysis has shown that there is a strong relationship between both the variables. The analysis also shows that consumers are inclined towards those brands which offer them great services. The research gap was identified in this study and in accordance with that the solution was determined. The recommendations and summary findings are presented to recommend solutions to the dietary supplements. The research study has been useful to understand the concepts of brand love and consumer buying behaviour. The change in consumer’s attitude towards the brand offerings has been understood. Furthermore, the study has shown that the consumer buying behaviour and brand love has strong association with each other; the study has also shown that both the variables have strong relationship. The consumers use more of the brands since it is beneficial for their health and due to the increased amount of awareness and marketing, they purchase it more.
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- Male
- Female
- 18-23
- 24-30
- 31-36
- 37-43
- More than 43
Average Income (monthly, in US dollars)
- 2500-3500
- 3501-4500
- 4501-5500
- 5501-6500
- More than 6500
Strongly Agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly Disagree | |
Brand love (Independent variable) | |||||
I am passionate about brand | |||||
I love this brand | |||||
I am very attached to this brand | |||||
This brand is pure delight | |||||
This brand is totally awesome | |||||
This brand makes me feel good | |||||
This is a wonderful brand | |||||
This brand makes me feel very happy | |||||
Consumer buying behaviour (dependent variable) | |||||
I purchase a brand that reflects the type of person I see myself to be. | |||||
I purchase a brand that facilitates me to communicate with my self-identity. | |||||
I purchase a brand that helps me to express myself. | |||||
I like brands that depicts symbol of social status. | |||||
I prefer a brand that helps me to fit important social situations. | |||||
I like to be seen associated with this specific brand. | |||||
I like to plan my purchases rather than relying on impulse. | |||||
There is impact of brand love on consumer buying |
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