
Table of Contents

CHAPTER Five: Conclusion And Recommendation


The last chapter of this dissertation is designed for presenting the conclusion and recommendation which is based on the results and interview gathered in the previous chapter. Moreover, the chapter also provides a detailed summarised finding which reflects on the interview responses and overall context of the study. In addition, the researcher has also incorporated a set of recommendations which are facilitated to the engineers and managers of Jaguar in Shanghai associated with the product standardisation and innovation. Finally, the chapter provides future implications which will help the future researchers who opted to carry out their research in the same field to enhance their research findings within the field of product standardisation and its relation with the innovation.

Summarised Findings

In order to present the summarised findings of the research, it is necessary for the readers to reflect back to the aim and objectives of the study so as to recall what was trying to be achieved in this research. The main aim of the research is focused towards exploring the role of product standardisation with respect to innovation with the specific focus on the Jaguar that has been taken as the case study for the research. However, the objectives of the study were intended towards understanding the concept and significance of product standardisation along with the study on the factors affecting product standardisation which leads to innovation. In addition, the objective of the study also includes the study of the role of product standardization in innovation within the case of Jaguar.

From the interview results, it was asserted that the employees of the company found the product standardisation as highly significant for the innovation and profitability of the company. The comments made the interviewees were analysed and taken into consideration for providing a set of recommendations in order to ensure the stimulation of innovation with respect to standardisation of the cars introduced by the company. In addition to the above statement, the employees of the company also highlighted that there is a strong interdependence between product standardisation and innovation in the automobile organisations. A few of the employees of the company also stated that the standardisation of the products is completely is based on their designers as for how they are creative with the models and sustain innovation in the introduction of new models.

The employees of the company also reflected on the challenges faced by them during the implementation of product standardisation and fostering innovation in the company. The company faced a major challenge in the light of environmental, societal and ethical conducts as they had to produce the cars which consume less fuel and have low carbon emissions. Furthermore, the automotive industry is developing affordable and efficient electric vehicles and components in order to reduce the carbon emissions and comply with the environmental regulations. Further to add on this, the company also faces challenges with the distributors and suppliers of the company while deploying an effective infrastructure that includes communication systems and charging spots in the car. For achieving this, the company’s employees stated that it is necessary that an effective approach has been set so that the operations of the company can move into a consistent direction based on the present technologies.

The final discussion carried out with the interviewees who were employees of the company has made apparent that there is a significant relationship between the product standardisation and the stimulation of innovation in the company. In addition, the employees and managers of the company also reflected in the interview that most of the operations in the organisation are dependent on innovation because it is the main selling point of the company. However, for sustaining a strong competitive advantage in the industry and managing an effective relation with the customers, the engineers and designers of the company apply their creative ideas for meeting the requirements and expectations of the customers and stay competitive in the market. Finally, the interview respondents concluded that the standardisation of the products are directly related to innovation because the company can gain a successful competitive advantage by standardising their products and the manufacturing processes because it can meet the requirement and expectations of the customers.


Following recommendations are made for the company in order to improve their standardisation and innovation measures for an effective growth of the company with the sustainability of a strong competitive advantage,

  • It is recommended to the company that the senior management and the engineers of Jaguar should focus on utilising big data integration into their processes because the amount of information available by the means of big data will help the company in standardising the cars according to the requirements and expectations of the customers. Moreover, it is quite apparent that the automotive sector is one of the immense and competitive sectors which require a set of different information ranging from vehicle data to the machine-to-machine communication that is driven by Internet of Things, driven by radio frequency and sensor networks. In addition, the source such as Facebook and Twitter can also be a great source of up-to-date information about the customers on their level of frustration, satisfaction and their expectations with a particular model.
  • It is also recommended to the company for enhancing the experience of the customers by investing into various strategies and forms of innovation for creating and delivering an effective services to the clients and developing new capabilities which can help the company in improving their performance with respect to ongoing operations in the company and increase in the innovation level that is delivered to the customers. As far as the innovating is concerned, the experience of the customers in the automobile companies should be taken into consideration beyond the expectations of the customers by standardising the products and co-developing the products and services while engaging the customers in an interactive manner. Since the expectations of the customers are changing radically, the company should focus on fostering the level of innovation and standardising the products for making an effective competitive advantage in the industry. 

Personal Reflection on Experience

In this section, I am reflecting on my personal journey with this dissertation. In the context of this study, the whole dissertation journey was quite engaging and exciting as I came to know different theories and concepts which were related to the product standardisation and the innovation. I also found this study encouraging because it helped me in understanding the significance of product standardisation in the automobile industry which has made me realised that I can pursue my career in the automotive sector of China so I can have a better future ahead.

The communication done with the interviewees provided me with certain information which was highly valuable for the research as well as for my personal experience because it helped me in examining the importance of product standardisation and innovation in the automobile sector. The interaction with the employees of the company helped me in learning their experiences which will eventually helpful in my professional life. In addition, the review on the articles and journals was another motivating factor which helped me in evaluating the main concepts of the product standardisation. Overall, I found the experience highly effective from the perspective of professional and academic career.

Future Research

The explanation of the future research is highly necessary for the future researchers because it helps them in enhancing their research within the field of social sciences. In this research, the researcher has opted for using qualitative research design where the researcher carried out interviews from the employees of Jaguar. On the other side, a quantitative research design can also be opted for in which the customers of Jaguar will be approached where they will full self-administered questionnaire in order to reflect on the product standardisation and innovation present in their models. In addition, the researcher can also carry out a contrasting study between Jaguar and any premium luxury cars providers in order to compare and contrast their standardisation in the promotion of innovation in the company. These recommendations shall be taken into account by the future researchers for enhancing their findings and increasing the reliability and authenticity of the research.


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Interview Questions

Q1. What is the significance of product standardisation at your organisation?

Q2. To what extent product standardisation is applied in your organisation?

Q3. In your opinion, what benefits you perceive underlies the standardisation of the products?

Q4. What are major challenges for product standardization when innovation is promoted in this process?

Q5. What are major challenges for product standardization when innovation is promoted in this process?

Q6. In your opinion, does the product standardisation helps in sustaining competitive advantage for your organisation?

Q7. In your opinion, does the product standardisation have an optimistic future in the automotive industry?

Q8. Please provide some suggestions on the role of product standardisation in innovation within the automotive industry?

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